Terms & Conditions for the in-person event "Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi: Dental Trauma & Autotransplantation of Teeth"

1. Event and organizer

The "Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi: Dental Trauma & Autotransplantation of Teeth" (hereinafter referred as “The Event”) is an event on endodontics, taking place on June 7, 2025 in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Organizer: TECCS LLC.
Georgia, Rustavi city, Shartava avenue, N 19, (XX m/r N5)
TECCS LLC. is hereby known as "the Organizer" unless mentioned otherwise.
"We", "us" or "our" refers to the company-organizer TECCS LLC.

2. Registration

In order to be accepted as a visitor to the Event, applicants must have completed a valid registration. The visitor can register online by completing the registration form on the fienta.com website (registration and ticketing agent). Registration must be received by TECCS LLC. by June 1, 2025, at 11 p.m.
The registration applies to the event period specified on the registration form. Submitting a registration form does not entitle the applicant to be accepted as a visitor automatically.
The organizer shall not be liable for any consequences or damages resulting (either directly or indirectly) from incorrect, misleading, imprecise or incomplete information either contained in the registration form or based on any other details furnished by the visitor.
The organizer reserves the right not to consider registration forms that have not been completed adequately or fully or that were submitted later than the date specified.
For online registrations, the visitor will receive an electronic confirmation of receipt.
Acceptance as a visitor is issued in the form of an automatic email confirmation. This constitutes a legally binding Contract of Participation between the visitor and the organizer. The Contract of Participation is valid for the period of time and person specified only.

3. Terms of payment

In return for the right to participate in the event, the visitor shall pay a registration fee to the organizer. The prices applying to the event are specified on the Event page on this website.
Objections to payments must be made in writing within 14 days of receipt. The invoiced sum may not be offset against non-recognized claims against the organizer.
Visitor confirmation (Contract of Participation) is subject to full settlement of all outstanding and payable claims of the organizers.
In the event of insolvency proceedings relating to the visitor or inability to pay on the part of the visitor during the period covered by the contract, the visitor shall inform the organizer immediately.
The organizer is entitled to give notice of termination of the Contract of Participation, by registered mail sent to the last known address of the visitor, without observing the periods specified for notice and irrespective of the continued liability of the visitor.

4. Transfers & refunds

4.1.Tickets are non-refundable and shall only be refundable at our discretion. For the avoidance of doubt, Tickets shall not be refunded in the event that the Attendee is not able to attend due to visa restrictions.
4.2.Tickets may not be copied, reproduced, resold, used for another event, or transferred to another person (without prior approval and solely at our discretion).

5. Cancellation or alternation by the organizer

5.1. We may need to cancel or alter the Event schedule, venue and specifications based on factors beyond our control and/or for the safety of Attendees. In the event that such alteration is required, we shall use reasonable endeavours to allow the Event to continue at an alternate venue or to an alternate schedule. However, if no viable alteration is possible, it may become necessary to cancel the Event. We shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement or otherwise liable to you for any such cancellation or postponement, or any failure or delay in performing our obligations under this Agreement for commercial reasons (including but not limited to, an event of force majeure where such event though not directly affecting the Event, may have an adverse effect on the commercial success of the Event).
5.2.We shall give written notice to you of a decision to cancel or postpone the Event as soon as reasonably practicable, and upon receipt of such notice:
5.2.1.in the case of cancellation of the Event
a. where you specifically ordered and paid for participation to the Event, you shall be entitled to apply your fee to another event organized by our company, provided that the date of such event is less than eighteen (18) months from the date of such cancellation;
5.2.2.in the case of postponement of the Event:
a. where the new Event date is less than eighteen (18) months away from the original Event date, you shall be deemed to have accepted the new Event date and may not terminate this Agreement or elect to apply your fee to another of our events;
b. where the new Event date is more than eighteen (18) months, but less than twenty four (24) months away from the original Event Date, elect to apply your fee (whether or not paid to us) to another of our events, provided that the date of such event is not greater than twenty four (24) months from the date of postponement.
c. where the new Event date is more than twenty four (24) months from the original Event date, terminate this Agreement.
5.3.Where you elect to terminate the Agreement in accordance with the rights granted in clause 5.2, we reserve the right to refuse any refund, in our sole discretion, and in any event any refund to you shall be reduced by the reasonable expenses already incurred by us.
5.4.We shall not be deemed to be in breach of this Agreement or otherwise liable to you for any failure or delay in performing our obligations under this Agreement as a result of an event or series of connected events outside our reasonable control (including, without limitation, acts of God, floods, lightning, storm, fire, explosion, war, military operations, acts or threats of terrorism, strike action, lock-outs or other industrial action or a pandemic, epidemic or other widespread illness).
5.5.We may change or modify these Terms and Conditions from time to time with or without notice to Purchasers or Attendees. Updated Terms and Conditions will be published on our website.

6. Event access authorization

The organizer is entitled to carry out appropriate checks, including checks on persons and their luggage, at the entrance and to refuse entry to visitors who are not in keeping with the purpose of the event.
The organizer may charge each visitor the standard event fee of $500 in case the visitor does not hold a valid and personalized guest pass.

7. Visual and sound recordings

Making visual and sound recordings of any kind (including sketches) of the presentations and hands-on sessions is prohibited.
In the event of violations, the organizer is entitled to confiscate and store sketches and exposed/recorded material at the visitor's expense.
Activities of the media – such as radio, television, film, daily and trade press – for the purpose of press coverage are not affected by this provision.
The speaker is, however, entitled to make visual and sound recordings of his own presentation. The organizers have authorized photographers who can be identified by their official identity cards and are authorized to take photographs of the presentation.
The organizers and their subsidiary companies are entitled to make, or to have made on their behalf, visual and sound recordings, as well as sketches of presentations or individual exhibits, for the purposes of documentation or for their own publications. This also applies to any persons included in such recordings, including visitors.

8. Insurance and liability

All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from this Agreement.
Attendees shall be responsible for any damage caused by them to the Venue, allocated space, property or the furnishings and equipment therein by any act, default or neglect of the Attendee and shall pay to us on an indemnity basis the amount required to make good or remedy any such damage.
To the extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable for any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of business, depletion of goodwill and/or similar losses. Our total liability in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of these Terms and Conditions shall be limited to the value of the Ticket only.
We will not accept liability for loss or damage to any object, equipment, furniture, stock or any other property brought into the Venue by any Attendee. Cloakrooms are provided for the convenience of the Attendees and guests but any property deposited there is entirely at the Attendee's risk. We, and our suppliers, will endeavour to assist Attendees with storage of their equipment or property but we exclude liability for the loss or damage of those items or property.
You acknowledge that we are not the manufacturer or original supplier of the property used at the Event; accordingly, no condition, warranty or representation of any kind express or implied is or has been given or made in respect of such property by us (other than those contained in this Agreement).
Each Attendee shall be responsible for taking out and maintaining appropriate insurance in relation to any risks under or in relation to this Agreement or its attendance of the Event, including personal injury insurance.
You agree to hold the organizer harmless from any claims, loss or damage to your personal property, liabilities and costs, including attorney's fees, as a result of your participation in the Event, including travel to and from the Event (including air travel) or any events incidental to the Event.

9. Enforcement of claims

All claims by event visitors and speakers must be made to the organizer in writing no later than 14 days following the end of the event; claims made at a later date will not be considered and will lapse (preclusive period).

10. Jurisdiction, Georgian law

The content and works provided on the Event webpage are governed by the copyright laws of Georgia. Duplication, processing, distribution, or any form of commercialization of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law shall require the prior written consent of its respective author or creator.
The contracting parties expressly agree to Tbilisi, Georgia, as the sole place of jurisdiction for all claims and legal disputes arising from this contract, to the extent that said parties are merchants, legal bodies under public law or special funds under public law. The same applies if one of the contracting parties has no general place of jurisdiction in Georgia.
The court of jurisdiction shall also be Tbilisi, Georgia, in the case of disputed dunning procedures. Once the dunning procedure takes the form of legal proceedings and the competent court of law at the debtor's general place of jurisdiction officially accepts the case, application is to be made for transfer to the competent court of law Tbilisi, Georgia.
Furthermore, each contracting party is entitled to proceed against the other.
Should individual provisions of this agreement be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. In such a case, both contracting parties undertake to replace any invalid provision with a valid provision that most closely achieves the commercial purpose intended by the invalid provision.

11. Acknowledgement and components of the contract, termination without notice if obligations are breached

Both contracting parties acknowledge the General Terms and Conditions as being integral parts of the Contract of Participation, which are legally binding for both parties. By submitting their legally binding registration form, all event visitors declare this contract as being irrevocable both for themselves and for their employees and those acting on their behalf.
In addition, any special conditions or individual regulations shall become part of the contract insofar as they have been conveyed by the organizers in good time to the visitor or speaker for his or her information.
The organizer reserves the right to modify or supplement the conditions or to waive them in exceptional circumstances; such alterations need to be made in written form. Verbal arrangements must be confirmed in writing by the organizers before they can be considered valid.
Violations of the terms agreed in the Contract of Participation constitute breaches of obligations as defined by law. In the event of serious breaches of obligations, the organizer is entitled to pronounce and implement immediate exclusion from the event. This also includes termination of the Contract of Participation by the organizer without notice. Any special regulations contained in the various individual conditions remain unaffected.


12.1 We shall not be in breach of these Terms and Conditions if we do not provide any services or the Event due to the following circumstances:
12.1.1 Industrial action by the staff of one of our suppliers;
12.1.2 Fire, lightning, explosion, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, extreme weather conditions, storm, flood, burst pipes, earthquake, terrorism and the Venue being damaged or destroyed; or
12.1.3 Breakdown of machinery, or any failure to supply the Venue with gas, electricity, water and so on, outside of our control.
12.2 In the event of any such event described in clause 13.1, we will use reasonable endeavours to allow the Event to continue, but may be required to cancel the Event (as described above), particularly if the health and safety of Attendees may be at risk.

The information on this website and in event-related materials is correct at the time of providing, however, the organizer reserves the right to change the information where necessary without notice.

Last Updated: July 20, 2024